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Battle heat fighting heat —— Steady progress was made in the renovation of the old alkali plant project

release time:2023-07-24   2420People browsing

Since July, the temperature has been rising, and the continuous high temperature weather has brought severe challenges to the renovation of the licorice project of the old alkali factory. Project implementation is more difficult, especially for outdoor work. The front-line renovation personnel of the project team are not afraid of the scorching sun and the heat wave. In the face of high temperature "baking" test, holding construction tools like holding the weapon of "fighting the heat", start the first battle of project transformation, and carry forward the spirit of "hard work, courage to develop".

On the scene, the transformation team staff sweat like rain, work clothes wet and dry, dry and wet, but did not affect their enthusiasm for work, no one slack off. While promoting the project, they constantly explore new ideas, constantly innovate and make breakthroughs on the basis of cost saving, and ensure that the project reaches production and standards with sweat.




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